Why most people are poor… and the solution
This is a problem right now…
Most of us were trained to think money only comes from getting a job. It's not at all true...and it's a dangerous way to think.
Because, at any time, you can be broken by a boss, a manager, your co-workers or the failure of the business you work for.
Remember...the average rich person has seven sources of income.
While the average poor person has one source of income.
The only way to avoid being crushed financially is to diversify your income sources so no one person can destroy you.
Can you imagine that?
2 years ago this was the stuff of science fiction...today it's a real thing. And people are making money from it...people are creating jobs in an industry that didn't exist until just now.
That's incredible…
But there's another side to this story.
Why it's so important to have multiple income sources right now.
I've told you this before…
When you have one source of income – for instance, a single job – you are falling into a trap.
Because incomes are getting lower every year...and I don't see it stopping anytime soon. That means relying on college, a job, a promotion, security, stability, retirement pension, retirement income = thing of the past.
That's scary enough.
But also there's this:
Remember, driverless cars were science fiction just a few years ago. So were robots and artificial intelligence. No more. They're here.
And the combination of robotics and artificial intelligence could destroy 45 percent of the work activities currently performed in the United States by 2021. 4 years away.
By James Altucher
Super Trading Strategies: http://www.advfnbooks.com/books/supertradingstrategies/index.html
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