Strategies for making money on PredictMag

Hi Traders:
Making money on our website should not be that difficult.
There are users who pull out consistent profits on, without a sweat. What kind of strategies are they using?
We talked to a few of them and below are what they do:
They like to predict Forex, stock, and commodities markets. They also do sports, business, international events, etc. occasionally.
When it comes to financial markets, they usually follow the trend. They can look at instruments like EURJPY or FTSE 100 (UK100) and determine if the trend is up or down. Then they would choose answers like “strictly above or strictly below,” depending on whether the market is up or down.
That means they tend to choose the first option or the last option because they know that the trend is your friend. They don’t choose options that say “Above and below so and so.”
When the market is moving sideways (ranging or consolidating), they choose “Above and below so and so.” They do not choose the first or the last options on a trade.
Have a mind of your own. Certain traders blindly follow other traders without knowing the rationality behind their choices. If they lose, you lose and if they win, you win.
Then why can’t you acquire knowledge and skill and scan the markets on your own, so that you can make informed decisions and be responsible for your own successful trades?
Those who make money on our website simply follow the trend, because they know that the trend has a tendency to continue rather than reversing, even if there is a correction in the market. That is when they choose the first option in a strong market and the last option in a weak market. But whenever they see a flat/ranging market, they choose middle options.
You can monitor their activities here:
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