Neteller is now available at N355/$.
You can now buy NETELLER @N355/$.
If you buy a minimum of 100 USD, you get N355/$. If you buy less than 100 USD, you get N365/$. This is valid for all customers as well as our VIPs.
You can’t buy lower than 20 USD per transaction.
You can buy at these low rates and sell to others at higher rates and make money.
This promo expires on January 16, 2019.
NB: Many of you wanted to accumulate Neteller at low prices and this is your opportunity to do so. Our rates are the best and this is even a better deal. You may not need Neteller now, but you can get it now for storage, since the price is so cheap, so that you won’t need to get it at a high price when you eventually need it. Rates will soon go up!
To see our current rates, please visit
To fund and withdraw with Neteller, please visit:
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