Free Easter Shopping Promos

Free Easter Shopping Promos (Monday, March 8 – Thursday, March 25, 2021)
To those who know how to use their brain, PredictMag platform is very easy to make money, when compared to all other forms of online trading.
Apart from the profits you make, we decided to award Free Easter Shopping Promo to our users. This is a temporary promo that will end this month, unlike the permanent promos here:
How to win and get rewarded
Predict 10 successive markets correctly. Will choose only the first 10 users to qualify. The profits you make from those successful predictions are also yours by default.
You can choose your markets from any of our categories, but you have to get 10 predictions correct one after the other without a break. You can stake any amount you like, per prediction. Voided trades will not be counted for you or against you. You will send a screenshot of your historical trades if you qualify.
Only trades placed between March 8 and March 25 will be considered for this Easter Shopping Promos. If you win, please contact us and we will get back to you quickly.
We will send you a date and the venue of the shopping at Shoprite Ikeja City Mall. We will fix the time for the shopping (plus T and C) and you are free to take any provisions/items you prefer.
Only 10 users are needed, and that will be on first-qualified-first-chosen basis. If you qualify and you cannot come for shopping, you can send someone to do the shopping for you.
We are doing this to make this year’s Easter a memorable experience for you.
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